At m MMASSmedia, we believe in connection through community, that's why everything we do is designed to help local businesses and consumers connect with each other. We do this through our online coupon marketplace and strategic customer engagement, combining traditional "in-home" mail, email, text notifications, and organic social media posts to maximize our reach and value to you. Whether local deals are delivered in print to every household in your area, emailed, sent via text, posted digitally to social media, or downloaded from the web, we make it easy for consumers to choose how they want to discover the best local deals and experiences available.
For local consumers, our online coupon marketplace will include one-stop deal downloads. We'll also have a local online directory where you can choose to subscribe to receive coupons from your favorite businesses, leave reviews, receive deal notifications, or simply visit our site anonymously for access to all the best deals available. We aim to become the go-to site in the Eugene/Springfield area for local coupons, events, and business reviews.
For our business customers, we provide simple digital asset management (DAM) tools to store digital content and easily manage your ad library from any location with web access. You can create content yourself or have us create it for you to post on our site and across your social media accounts. Either way, you can store and access your ads from a single location and deliver them across multiple platforms.
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